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Showing posts from February, 2019

Road blocks

Road Blocks We all have road blocks in our path that keep us from accomplishing the things we want or moving past the things that have hurt us. Sometimes it is people, or our mindset, fear of rejection or it is tragedy. For me it is all of the above. So we have to find that dream or goal even if it seems out of reach. Then we have to start recognizing the “hurdles” that keep us from accomplishing it. 1. If it is people we have to learn that the only way to overcome is to learn to change our reactions not their hurtful actions. There will always be someone who is hurting just like you that will try to hurt you. Let me say it louder for the ones in the back. There will always be someone who is HURTING just like you that will try to hurt you. You cannot change opinions, mindsets, words, but you can change how if you allow it to take residence in your heart. 2. If it is your mindset then GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD. The only way to overcome how you feel about yourself is to fill your mind


If I choose to be nice to someone even though they are constantly being mean to me, I don’t do it for them. I do it for myself. It doesn’t mean I don’t catch your caddy or insulting ways to try to make yourself feel good by degrading me. It is because you are not worth me changing who I am because of an opinion. In this world there will be people that will try to make you feel stupid, small or unworthy. How you react speaks volumes about who you are. An unhappy miserable person will show their butt and that is their journey. All you can do is pray that whatever hardened their heart changes for them. I spent WAY too many years worrying about what strangers, coworkers, and some family members thought of me to the point where I didn’t even know who I was. But I know EXACTLY who I am and I will not lose my soul because of someone else. An Intelligent and classy women is one who can say whatever they want to destroy someone but chooses not to. “Don’t be like the rest of them darling” Pam  

Breathing Room

Breathing Room... This morning when we chose to go to church I knew the devil would be working hard to steal our joy. Olyvia was being super defiant this morning and it all was because of panty hose. I honestly cannot blame her and after trying to make her do something that she was uncomfortable with I caved and realized it wasn’t worth the torment and if her little butt wanted to be cold then so be it. It honestly was extremely trivial but the fact she would fight me tooth and nails even with a spanking and timeout because of her attitude not the pantyhose but her dad could look at her and she’d do exactly what he wanted. It hurt me. I don’t want to yell and scream at her. I want to get down on her level and help understand her frustrations and find a happy medium. Basically I am raising myself. But I ended up in tears, she ended up in tears and then I asked God to turn it around because I didn’t like the way I felt. Ashamed and defeat