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Showing posts from August, 2023

The harvest season…

  Your peace is a sacred ground. When you’re harvesting fruits and vegetables you don’t blame the plant for the lack of growth. You find the weeds that overcrowd it and make it hard to grow.  Much like life, whatever harvest you’re trying to reap the benefits of your hard work it will take pruning and adapting to the conditions it’s placed in.  It’s hard work, painful at times to go from the removal of what’s hindering your growth but when you see it as a stepping stone to progression, nothing can stop you. I’ve been in the trenches too long to let that become my identity.  Sometimes we just need to release everything holding us back from being the best version of ourselves and realizing that we don’t always know what that version will look like, but it should feel good, safe and well nourished. If we’re not seeing the fruits of our labor we have to remind ourselves to press on and remember there is a season for everything.  🫶 Pam Picard