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Showing posts from November, 2018


I haven’t wrote since my miscarriage. Honestly I stopped anything that I was doing to advance myself mentally, physically and emotionally because I was numb. Anxiety sets in and derails me from my supplements that I know work for me. I convinced myself it was what caused the miscarriage and irregular periods. However I know what the root cause of my problems are. They always have been my anxiety. But they don’t always have to be. I’m not comfortable living a “victim” mindset. Not that things haven’t been tough for me but because I have tons to be grateful for and I know it could always be worse. You see chronic stress rather it’s brought on by life or stress we manifest ourselves will make you physically ill. It’s a viscous cycle. Your anxiety makes you worry about everything on God’s green earth and then it creates high levels of stress. The saying “what goes up, must come down” obviously was never referring to an anxious mind. And your body believes what your mind tells it to. I