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Showing posts from July, 2018

To the anxious momma...

When you’re an anxious person it’s already a tough journey. You just have days where you get swept away with obsessive thoughts and you physically feeling ill. As a mom it equally gets worse and better all at the same time. The worries of all the milestones to be met, as a working mom not being able to be there enough, and basically keeping them alive!  One of my biggest fears as a new mom was that I was going to pass my anxiety onto my daughter. That she would experience these debilitating thoughts and symptoms and be held captive too. I try to hide my anxiety and I’ve done pretty good being strong for her. But some days especially while coming off the Zoloft and realizing that I’m not quite ready for that she sees me struggling. She knows mommas not well. It makes me sad for her. But she’s strong and resilient and I believe in her having a sense of awareness of mental illness and seeing me learn to cope will help her too. She’s going through separation anxiety and I try to teach

Healthy VS Fit

I am finding out that you can be fit and not healthy and you can be healthy but not fit…. * When I started my “weight loss” journey a year ago I couldn’t understand why I was having such a hard time. I am understanding all too well that my gut was to blame. I would get bloated after EVERY meal and literally felt like I was on a boat drunk and not the good drunk feeling. No matter if I exercised or not. * I could sense my anxiety boiling within me but I could feel it starting in my stomach and then the widespread symptoms would surface. I had every test done that said “You are fine”, they would always blame it on my anxiety but never really addressed where the anxiety is coming from. * Then I see all these people sharing about how Plexus has helped with their gut issues, inflammation, anxiety, skin issues, allergies and I wanted in! * Fast forward to now. I spent the good part of my first six months not being consistent taking the products. I came up with EVERY excuse to not take them b