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Showing posts from January, 2019

When my soul is weak

I consider myself a pretty strong woman. This hasn’t always been an assurance of mine as I’m the first to criticize myself. However as I age, I’m starting to really see how strong I can truly be. Chronic health problems will weigh you down. I’m learning to love myself exactly the way I am though. Hard pressed on every side but not crushed. When I got the call from my husband on April 3rd 2014 and heard the words potential double amputee from the first responder I knew this was life changing. I was so scared for him, for myself. I found strength as a caregiver and wife after God as I searched my savior for guidance. And he provided us with that very thing.  Although my husbands prognosis wasn’t promised a complete recovery it did show miracles. But what happens as the clock keeps ticking? It’s a mental toll just to go through the hardships knowing there may not be an end in sight. My God saved my husband on the side of the road that day. He saved him because my dear husband

When the presents are gone

As I’m sitting in my living room starring at our Christmas tree with the bare look it brings now that the presents are gone, I feel a sense of sadness. A sense of shame.  Maybe you’re settling into the new year with a sense of void? But how can that be? It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right?! For some of you, maybe you didn’t get quite get what you wanted? Or maybe nothing at all? Or perhaps you got everything you could possibly imagine? However, the void may still be the same for all. Why is that? For me and honestly for most is you run yourself ragged to chase worldly gratification and lose sight of the true meaning of this season. The gift of Christ. Our savior was born! That void is us trying to replace the best gift you could ever receive. But maybe you don’t believe? What’s gotten you to that place? Tragedy? A life of hurt and resentment. Maybe you don’t want to let go of worldly things? We'll let me tell you something my friends. I’ve lived a life of getting everyt