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When my soul is weak

I consider myself a pretty strong woman. This hasn’t always been an assurance of mine as I’m the first to criticize myself. However as I age, I’m starting to really see how strong I can truly be. Chronic health problems will weigh you down. I’m learning to love myself exactly the way I am though. Hard pressed on every side but not crushed.

When I got the call from my husband on April 3rd 2014 and heard the words potential double amputee from the first responder I knew this was life changing. I was so scared for him, for myself. I found strength as a caregiver and wife after God as I searched my savior for guidance. And he provided us with that very thing. 
Although my husbands prognosis wasn’t promised a complete recovery it did show miracles. But what happens as the clock keeps ticking? It’s a mental toll just to go through the hardships knowing there may not be an end in sight.
My God saved my husband on the side of the road that day. He saved him because my dear husband is brave, encouraging and meant for more! Maybe to help me, or maybe even you?
He gave us a beautiful daughter, a breath of fresh air as we try to find the normalcy through my health issues and his injuries. 
Motherhood can be quite challenging and I’m learning more of who I am, who I want to be and who I don’t want to be. I’ve learned to let go of things I cannot control because life is far too precious not to.
I’ve grown in a competitive company as a struggling girl who didn’t have a clue as to who she was or what she wanted to a girl who knows she’s valuable. Work hard, and be kind.
Lord, please forgive me as I hurry through this life chasing short term goals. Give me the eyes to see the broken hearted, the lost. 
I pray for my husband to be pain  free, and if not pain free then minimum God speed recovery. Guidance, restoration.
I pray for spiritual strength as a wife and mother. 
I pray for protection for our sweet girl.
Let not my soul be weak but on fire for God. 
Are you struggling with your faith and soul right now? Do you need prayer and provision? I’d love to pray for you! 
❤️ Pamela 


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