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Rise above!

I should probably give you some background on who I am and where I have come from. When I was 9 I started passing out. They ran test and finally determined I had bradycardia (slow heart arrhythmia).  They put a pacemaker in and it changed my life forever, my health is probably one of the main source of my anxiety and I never learned to cope with it until 4 years ago when I needed to rise above it.

I am married to the most amazing husband. We have had struggles as we've grown up together. Trying to take on life. We've had multiple people live with us and we lived together a few years before getting married. there was never really a honeymoon stage. But through the hurdles of it all overcame those.

In 2012 my husband had a dirt bike wreck and broke his collarbone.

In 2013 I had a pacemaker replacement and while they were in there threading the lead in my artery punctured my lung and I got pneumothorax and a blood clot in my arm. Talk about my anxiety going through the roof!

In 2014 my husband had a sever motorcycle wreck and is very lucky to be here. Went into intensive care unit as a potential double amputee and has been fighting to keep them ever since. I started coming off Benzodiazepine.

In 2015 we gave birth to our beautiful daughter. We didn't want kids for awhile because we were afraid it would change our marriage. Oh boy were we wrong!

In 2016 I went through post-partum anxiety/depression and they put me on antidepressants.

In 2017 season of growth because GOD is good! My husband is here, and my daughter is the best medicine.

And here we are 2018. I used to be so hard on myself here at work because I didn't get the education, missed a lot of work and just didn't feel like I was worth anything. I felt my past labeled me as incompetent of being an equal contributor and no one wanted me apart of their team. I just had to change my perspective. That I have been through hell and everything has a right time.

But now I am owning my struggles, my adversities and I am damn proud of overcoming some pretty overwhelming times.

Friends, Own your struggles, accept them as lessons learned, as stepping stones for what's to come. and rise above it! God does not allow you to go through these things without something amazing in store for you around the corner. "Faith it until you make it!"



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