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Sit with Jesus..


This morning my husband got up to go hunting. Typically I’d fall back asleep and wake when the kids do but I kept hearing in my head, sit with Jesus.

My mother in law gifted me a devotional years ago called messy motherhood. I’ve picked it up and put it down so many times but that’s motherhood right? However I chose that as my baseline for this morning’s visit with God. And man does he NOT disappoint when he specifically calls you to sit with him immediately! 

In this devotional Lysa talks about:

“(Ephesians 4:22-24). The Greek word for "made new" is koino. One of its definitions is "uncommon." I wanted to be an uncommon calm in the midst of chaos and an example of peace for my kids in a world of pressure. For that to happen, I came up with a plan for us moms:

Tell the world to wait.”

In my overstimulated brain I often getting very tired and weary. It’s like there’s no escaping it. But I was reminded today that I am managing blessings and if I want to cultivate quiet time, God reminded me early bird gets the worm and it’s his job to help me on this path. 

My mother told me the other day motherhood is like getting on a roller coaster. It’s bumpy, scary, you’ll have to hold on and there is lots of turns. But when you get off the ride you say, MAN that was fun! 

Soon this quiet room will be filled with the noises I prayed for. There will be little bare feet pattering the floor, mommy I want you will be the chant, and task will fill my time. This is what I prayed for and I will manage these blessings today with a little more armor than I did yesterday! 




  1. I Love the phrase sit with Jesus and Manage blessings.What a beautifulbthing to say about your children.And they are beautiful and strong just like their mommy snd daddy.


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