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Showing posts from November, 2023

I don’t think Jesus does it that way..

  Every time I look back on what I’ve been through and I see the person I’m morphing into, I understand how the pain had to exist to get me to wake up. I’ve always been hard headed, and it wasn’t until I shared my testimony in text to my eldest niece that I truly understood the magnitude of it. I’ve talked about my testimony when I was younger but seeing it written out allowed me space to advocate for other young women like myself. Since I have a daughter I want her to know that there is so much groundwork that had to be done to cultivate a healthy lifestyle and that sometimes we have to walk through fire to find the best version of ourselves and there’s NO shame in that!  🖤 My testimony below - the younger version 🖤 “I remember the teenage years were so hard for me. I tried so hard to find where I fit in. I thrived on attention from anyone who would give it to me. I avoided the people I loved because I felt convicted of the lifestyle I was living anytime I was around good. But God!

Sit with Jesus..

  This morning my husband got up to go hunting. Typically I’d fall back asleep and wake when the kids do but I kept hearing in my head, sit with Jesus. My mother in law gifted me a devotional years ago called messy motherhood. I’ve picked it up and put it down so many times but that’s motherhood right? However I chose that as my baseline for this morning’s visit with God. And man does he NOT disappoint when he specifically calls you to sit with him immediately!  In this devotional Lysa talks about: “(Ephesians 4:22-24). The Greek word for "made new" is koino. One of its definitions is "uncommon." I wanted to be an uncommon calm in the midst of chaos and an example of peace for my kids in a world of pressure. For that to happen, I came up with a plan for us moms: Tell the world to wait.” In my overstimulated brain I often getting very tired and weary. It’s like there’s no escaping it. But I was reminded today that I am managing blessings and if I want to cultivate q